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Maximize your PS5 gaming experience: Download games on Rest Mode!

Will Game Download In Rest Mode Ps5

Learn how to download games in rest mode on the PS5 and enjoy uninterrupted gaming sessions without having to keep your console on.

Are you tired of waiting for hours to download games on your PlayStation 5? Well, here's some exciting news that will catch your attention! The much-awaited feature of downloading games in rest mode has finally arrived on the PS5. With this new update, you can now continue with your gaming adventures without any interruptions and delays caused by lengthy downloads. Whether you're a casual gamer or a hardcore enthusiast, this convenient feature is bound to enhance your gaming experience to a whole new level. So, let's dive into the details and explore how the game download in rest mode works on the PS5!


The PlayStation 5 (PS5) has taken the gaming world by storm with its powerful hardware and numerous features. One of the most convenient features on the PS5 is the ability to download games in rest mode. This means that you can leave your console in rest mode and continue downloading games without having to keep it powered on. In this article, we will explore whether game downloads are possible in rest mode on the PS5 and how to enable this feature.

Understanding Rest Mode

Rest mode on the PS5 is a power-saving state that allows the console to remain partially powered on while using minimal energy. When in rest mode, the system can perform various tasks like charging controllers, syncing data, and even downloading games and updates.

Benefits of Downloading in Rest Mode

Downloading games in rest mode offers several advantages. Firstly, it allows you to utilize your console's downtime effectively. Instead of waiting for a game to download while the console is powered on, you can let it download in rest mode while you attend to other tasks or even sleep.

Secondly, downloading in rest mode can save you time. Since the PS5 utilizes less power in rest mode, it can allocate more resources to the download process, resulting in faster download speeds compared to downloading games while the console is in use.

Enabling Game Downloads in Rest Mode

By default, the PS5 is set to enable game downloads in rest mode. However, it's always a good idea to double-check your settings to ensure that this feature is enabled. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Accessing System Settings

On your PS5 home screen, navigate to the top right corner and select the gear-shaped icon to access the system settings.

Step 2: Power Saving Settings

In the system settings menu, scroll down and select System. Then, choose Power Saving from the list of options.

Step 3: Rest Mode Settings

In the power saving settings, select Set Time Until PS5 Enters Rest Mode. Here, you can choose how long your console remains active before entering rest mode. You can set it to a specific duration or opt for Don't Put in Rest Mode if you prefer to keep it powered on at all times.

Step 4: Enable Automatic Downloads

After setting the rest mode duration, go back to the power saving settings menu and select Features Available in Rest Mode. Ensure that the Stay Connected to the Internet and Enable Turning On PS5 from Network options are enabled. These settings allow your console to automatically download games and updates while in rest mode.

Downloading Games in Rest Mode

Once you have enabled game downloads in rest mode, the process becomes effortless. Simply navigate to the game you want to download from the PlayStation Store, initiate the download, and then put your console into rest mode by pressing the PlayStation button on your controller and selecting Enter Rest Mode.

Your PS5 will now continue downloading the game in rest mode. You can check the progress of the download by pressing the PlayStation button and selecting Downloads/Uploads from the control center.


The ability to download games in rest mode on the PS5 is a fantastic convenience that allows you to maximize your gaming time. By enabling this feature in your console's settings, you can ensure that your games and updates are always ready for you to enjoy, even when you're not actively using your console. So, sit back, relax, and let your PS5 do the work while you get ready for an immersive gaming experience!


Are you tired of waiting for game downloads to complete on your PlayStation 5 (PS5)? Look no further! In this guide, we will walk you through the process of enabling game downloads in rest mode on your PS5. By utilizing rest mode, you can enjoy the benefits of uninterrupted downloads and have your favorite games ready to play when you return to your console.

Benefits of Rest Mode

Rest mode offers numerous advantages when it comes to game downloads on your PS5. Firstly, it allows you to continue downloading games even when your console is not in use. This means that you can leave your PS5 in rest mode overnight or while you're away, and come back to find your games ready to play. Additionally, rest mode ensures that your downloads are not interrupted by any power outages or fluctuations, providing a seamless experience.

Enabling Downloads in Rest Mode

To activate the option to download games while in rest mode on your PS5, follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to the Settings menu on your PS5.
  2. Select Power Saving from the list of options.
  3. Choose Set Features Available in Rest Mode.
  4. Enable the Stay Connected to the Internet and Enable Turning On PS5 from Network options.
  5. Finally, make sure to check the box next to Download Updates Automatically to enable automatic updates during rest mode.

Maximizing Efficiency

To ensure a smooth and efficient game download process while your console is in rest mode, consider the following tips and tricks:

  • Connect your PS5 to a stable and high-speed internet connection. A strong network connection is crucial for quick and reliable downloads.
  • Close any unnecessary applications or games running in the background. This will free up system resources and allow for faster downloads.
  • Keep your PS5 in a well-ventilated area to prevent overheating, which can slow down the download process.
  • If you have multiple games to download, prioritize them based on your preferences. This way, you can start playing your most anticipated game sooner.

Network Requirements

A stable internet connection is essential for successful game downloads in rest mode on your PS5. Ensure that you have a reliable network with sufficient bandwidth to handle the download speed required by your games. If you are experiencing slow downloads, consider connecting your PS5 directly to your router using an Ethernet cable for a more stable connection.

Storage Management

Managing your console's storage is crucial when taking advantage of game downloads in rest mode. Here are some strategies to optimize your storage:

  • Delete any unnecessary games or applications to free up space for new downloads.
  • Consider investing in an external hard drive to expand your storage capacity. This allows you to download and store more games without worrying about limited space.
  • Regularly organize and archive games that you no longer play but may want to revisit in the future.

Power Consumption and Rest Mode

Rest mode on your PS5 is designed to minimize power consumption while still allowing for game downloads. When your console is in rest mode, it consumes significantly less power compared to when it is fully active. This not only helps reduce energy costs but also extends the lifespan of your console.

Automatic Updates

Enabling automatic updates during rest mode ensures that your games are always up to date. To enable this feature, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Settings menu on your PS5.
  2. Select System and then choose System Software.
  3. Toggle on the Automatically Install Updates option.

Your PS5 will now download and install updates for your games automatically while in rest mode, keeping you up to date with the latest features and improvements.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Despite the convenience of game downloads in rest mode, you may encounter some common issues. Here are a few troubleshooting tips:

  • If your downloads are consistently slow, try pausing and resuming them to refresh the connection.
  • Ensure that your internet service provider is not throttling your connection speed. Contact them for assistance if necessary.
  • Check for any available firmware updates for your PS5. Keeping your console's software up to date can resolve compatibility issues and improve download performance.
  • If you encounter an error message during the download process, restart your console and try again.

Tips for Enhanced Experience

To enhance your overall gaming experience while utilizing game downloads in rest mode on the PS5, consider the following tips:

  • Monitor your download queue regularly to ensure that your desired games are being downloaded and installed.
  • Take advantage of pre-loading options for highly anticipated games. This allows you to download and install the game before its official release, so you can start playing right away.
  • Consider setting up remote play on your PS5. This feature allows you to stream games to your compatible devices, giving you the flexibility to play even when you're away from your console.
  • Utilize the rest mode feature when you have limited time to play. By downloading games in rest mode, you can maximize your gaming time and minimize waiting periods.

In conclusion, enabling game downloads in rest mode on your PS5 offers numerous benefits, including uninterrupted downloads, reduced power consumption, and automatic updates. By following the provided steps and implementing the suggested tips, you can optimize your gaming experience and always have your favorite games ready to play. Enjoy the convenience and efficiency of game downloads in rest mode on your PS5!

Will Game Download In Rest Mode on PS5?


With the release of the highly anticipated PlayStation 5 (PS5), gamers around the world are eager to explore its new features and capabilities. One such feature is the rest mode, which allows players to pause their gameplay and put the console in a low-power state. However, many gamers wonder if games will continue to download in rest mode on the PS5. Let's delve into this topic and shed some light on it.

The Functionality of Rest Mode

Rest mode on the PS5 is designed to provide a convenient way for players to take a break from gaming without completely shutting down the console. In this mode, the system enters a low-power state, enabling it to perform certain background tasks while conserving energy. These tasks include downloading updates, system software, and even games.

1. Game Downloads in Rest Mode

The good news is that the PS5 does support game downloads in rest mode. When you initiate a download and then put your console into rest mode, the system will continue to download the game in the background. This means you can leave your console overnight or while you're away and wake up or return to find your game fully downloaded and ready to play.

2. Benefits of Rest Mode Downloads

Downloading games in rest mode offers several advantages:

  • Convenience: Rest mode allows you to carry on with your day while the game downloads in the background, saving you time.
  • Power Efficiency: Rest mode reduces power consumption as compared to leaving your console fully powered on, which is beneficial for both the environment and your electricity bill.
  • Automatic Updates: In addition to game downloads, rest mode also enables automatic updates for games and system software. This ensures that your console remains up to date without any manual intervention.

3. Rest Mode Settings

It's important to note that the ability to download games in rest mode is a default setting on the PS5. However, you can customize this feature according to your preferences. To access the rest mode settings:

  1. Go to the Settings menu on your PS5.
  2. Select System and then choose Power Saving
  3. Under Features Available in Rest Mode, ensure that Stay Connected to the Internet and Enable Turning On PS5 from Network are both enabled.


The PS5's rest mode functionality allows for seamless game downloads in the background, providing gamers with a convenient and power-efficient way to acquire their favorite titles. By taking advantage of this feature, players can make the most of their gaming experience while enjoying the benefits of rest mode. So, go ahead and let your PS5 work its magic while you take a well-deserved break!

Table: Rest Mode Settings on PS5

Setting Status
Stay Connected to the Internet Enabled
Enable Turning On PS5 from Network Enabled

Thank you for visiting our blog today, where we aim to provide you with the latest updates and information about the exciting world of gaming. In this article, we will be discussing the topic of whether game downloads are possible in rest mode on the highly anticipated PlayStation 5 (PS5) console. So, let's dive right in!

Firstly, it is important to understand what rest mode exactly means on the PS5. Rest mode is a power-saving feature that allows you to put your console into a low-power state while still being able to perform certain functions, such as charging controllers or downloading updates. It essentially allows you to continue your gaming experience seamlessly, even when you're not actively playing.

Now, let's address the burning question - can you download games in rest mode on the PS5? The good news is, yes, you can! Sony has confirmed that game downloads will indeed be possible in rest mode on their next-gen console. This means that you can conveniently queue up your favorite games for download before going to bed, and wake up to find them ready to play without any hassle. It's a fantastic feature that enhances the overall user experience and ensures that you can make the most out of your gaming time.

In conclusion, the PS5 offers the convenience of downloading games in rest mode, allowing you to effortlessly expand your gaming library. With this feature, you can eliminate the waiting time and jump straight into your favorite titles as soon as they are downloaded. It's just another example of how Sony is constantly striving to enhance the gaming experience for its users. We hope this article has provided you with the information you were seeking, and we look forward to having you back for more exciting updates in the future!

Will Game Download In Rest Mode Ps5?

Why is rest mode important for game downloads on PS5?

Rest mode is an essential feature on the PS5 that allows users to continue downloading games and updates even when their console is in a low-power state. This means you don't have to keep your console fully powered on while waiting for downloads to complete, saving energy and extending the lifespan of your hardware.

Can I download games in rest mode on the PS5?

Yes, you can download games in rest mode on the PS5. When you put your console into rest mode, it will continue downloading games, updates, and patches in the background. This way, you can leave your console in rest mode overnight or when you're not using it, and wake up to find your downloads completed and ready to play.

How to enable rest mode downloads on the PS5?

To enable game downloads in rest mode on your PS5, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the main menu by pressing the PS button on your controller.
  2. Select Settings using the d-pad and press the X button.
  3. Scroll down and select Power Saving and press the X button.
  4. Choose Set Time Until PS5 Enters Rest Mode and press the X button.
  5. Select the desired time delay for rest mode activation.
  6. Make sure Stay Connected to the Internet is checked.
  7. Exit the settings menu.

Once you've set up rest mode with an appropriate time delay, your PS5 will automatically enter rest mode when left idle for the specified period. It will then continue downloading games in the background.

Can rest mode affect game downloads on the PS5?

No, rest mode should not affect game downloads on the PS5 negatively. In fact, it is designed to optimize the download process and ensure that your games are downloaded efficiently. Rest mode helps to minimize interruptions and speed up downloads by allocating resources effectively while the console is in a low-power state. However, it's worth noting that slow internet speeds or server issues can still impact download times, regardless of rest mode being enabled or not.

Are there any precautions to consider when using rest mode for game downloads on the PS5?

While rest mode is generally safe and convenient for game downloads on the PS5, it's a good practice to ensure you have a stable power supply and proper ventilation for your console. Additionally, make sure your console is running the latest system software updates to benefit from any enhancements or bug fixes related to rest mode functionality. Regularly checking for updates and keeping your console in a well-ventilated area can help prevent any potential issues.